Top 100 Ziyarat in Makkah
Makkah, the holiest city in Islam, is home to numerous sites of religious, historical, and cultural importance. These landmarks hold deep significance for Muslims, serving as reminders of Islamic history, the lives of Prophets, and key events. Below is a list of the top 100 Ziyarat (sacred places) in Makkah, with brief descriptions.
The largest mosque in the world, home to the Kaaba, the Qibla for Muslims worldwide.
Top Holy Mosques in Makkah
Masjid Al-Haram المسجد الحرام
Masjid Al-Tan’eem (Masjid Aisha) مسجد السيدة عائشة | التنعيم
Masjid Al-Khayf مسجد الخيف

Masjid Al-Bay’ah مسجد البيعة
Masjid Al-Jinn مسجد الجن
Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah مسجد بلال بن رباح

Sacred Mountains and Sites in Makkah
Jabal Al-Noor (Mountain of Light) جبل النور
Jabal Thawr (Thawr Mountain) جبل ثور
Jabal Al-Rahmah (Mountain of Mercy) جبل الرحمة

Top 100 Ziyarat in Makkah: Categorized List with Names in English and Urdu
Makkah is a city deeply rooted in Islamic history, filled with sacred and historical sites that hold significance for Muslims worldwide. Below is a categorized list of the top 100 Ziyarat in Makkah, with their names in English and Urdu.
1. Holy Mosques in Makkah (مساجد)
1.1. Masjid Al-Haram (مسجد الحرام)
Location: Central Makkah
The holiest mosque in Islam, housing the Kaaba, the Qibla for Muslims worldwide.
1.2. Masjid Al-Tan’eem (مسجد التنعيم)
Location: Northern outskirts of Makkah
Known as Masjid Aisha, it serves as a Miqat (station) for those performing Umrah.
1.3. Masjid Al-Khayf (مسجد الخيف)
Location: Mina
This mosque is known for being a prayer site for many Prophets, including the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
1.4. Masjid Al-Bay’ah (مسجد البيعة)
Location: Near Mina
Built at the site where the Ansar pledged allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
1.5. Masjid Al-Jinn (مسجد الجن)
Location: Near Jannat Al-Mu’alla Cemetery
A mosque where a group of Jinn accepted Islam after hearing the Quran.
1.6. Masjid Bilal (مسجد بلال)
Location: Near Masjid Al-Haram
Named after Bilal ibn Rabah (RA), the first muezzin of Islam.
1.7. Masjid Ibrahim (مسجد إبراهيم)
Location: Near the Kaaba
A mosque marking the place where Prophet Ibrahim (AS) stood while constructing the Kaaba.
2. Sacred Mountains and Sites (مقدس پہاڑ اور مقامات)
2.1. Jabal Al-Noor (جبل النور)
Location: Northeast of Makkah
Home to the Cave of Hira, where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his first revelation.
2.2. Jabal Thawr (جبل ثور)
Location: Southern Makkah
The site of the Cave of Thawr, where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (RA) hid during migration.
2.3. Jabal Al-Rahmah (جبل الرحمة)
Location: Arafat
Known as the Mountain of Mercy, this is where Adam (AS) and Hawa (RA) reunited.
2.4. Jabal Abu Qubais (جبل أبو قبيس)
Location: Near Masjid Al-Haram
A sacred mountain believed to have witnessed the splitting of the moon.
2.5. Jabal Al-Khandaq (جبل الخندق)
Location: Northwest of Makkah
The site of the Battle of the Trench.
3. Historical and Cultural Sites (تاریخی اور ثقافتی مقامات)
3.1. The Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (مکان ولادت رسول اللہ ﷺ)
Location: Near Masjid Al-Haram
The location where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born.
3.2. The House of Khadijah (RA) (گھر حضرت خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا)
Location: Near Masjid Al-Haram
The residence of Khadijah (RA), the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
3.3. Dar Al-Arqam (دار الارقم)
Location: Near Masjid Al-Haram
The first learning center for early Muslims.
3.4. Masjid Al-Hudaibiya (مسجد الحديبية)
Location: West of Makkah
The mosque near the site of the Treaty of Hudaibiya.
3.5. The House of Abu Talib (گھر ابو طالب)
Location: Near Masjid Al-Haram
The house of the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib.
4. Sacred Cemeteries and Burial Sites (قبرستان اور تدفین کے مقدس مقامات)
4.1. Jannat Al-Mu’alla (جنت المعلی)
Location: Makkah
A cemetery where Khadijah (RA) and other early Muslims are buried.
4.2. Jannat Al-Baqi (جنت البقیع)
Location: Madinah
A famous cemetery where many companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are buried.
4.3. The Grave of Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA) (قبر حضرت حمزہ رضی اللہ عنہ)
Location: Uhud Battlefield, Madinah
The grave of the Prophet’s uncle, a martyr of the Battle of Uhud.
5. Pilgrimage and Hajj Sites (حج کے مقامات)
5.1. Arafat (عرفات)
Location: Southeast of Makkah
The sacred plain where pilgrims gather on the Day of Arafat during Hajj.
5.2. Muzdalifah (مزدلفہ)
Location: Between Arafat and Mina
A place where pilgrims collect pebbles for the stoning ritual.
5.3. Mina (منیٰ)
Location: East of Makkah
The site for the stoning of Jamarat and other Hajj rituals.
5.4. Jamarat (جمرات)
Location: Mina
The stone pillars symbolizing the devil, where pilgrims throw stones.
6. Wells and Springs (کنویں اور چشمے)
6.1. Zamzam Well (زمزم کا کنواں)
Location: Inside Masjid Al-Haram
A sacred well providing water that is considered a miracle.
6.2. The Well of Thawr (کنواں ثور)
Location: Near Jabal Thawr
A well near the Cave of Thawr.
7. Museums and Galleries (عجائب گھر اور گیلریاں)
7.1. The Makkah Museum (مکہ میوزیم)
Location: Makkah
Showcasing Islamic history and cultural artifacts.
7.2. Zamzam Well Museum (زمزم میوزیم)
Location: Near Masjid Al-Haram
A museum dedicated to the history of the Zamzam well.
Makkah’s Ziyarat sites are a testament to Islamic history and spirituality. Whether you are visiting mosques, sacred mountains, cemeteries, or historical sites, each location offers a unique connection to Islam. To make your Ziyarat experience comfortable and convenient, consider booking transport with Islamic Taxi Service.
This guide ensures a comprehensive journey through the top 100 Ziyarat in Makkah.